I was born Dec. 6 1981 in Honolulu, HI. My father was in the Army. I don't remember much of Hawaii, just the sound of the ocean. When I was three we moved to Texas. I don't remember much about Texas either except that it was hot and that I had a fascination with fire ants. We moved to Illinois when I was about four and then over the border to Indiana. When I was eight my parents divorced. I spent a couple of summers visiting my dad and seeing him for a few hours during the holidays. He remarried when I was 10. Due to a rough home life with my mom, my dad got full custody of me when I was 11. That moved me from Indiana to Alaska.
I lived on Ft. Wainwright until I was 16 when my father retired from the Army. I moved around a few times during my late teenage years. By the time I was 17.5 I had moved 3 times. That last move led me to Oregon where my dad and step-mom were trying to help my step-uncle. I graduated from North Salem High School in 2001. In May of 2002 my dad and step-mom said they were moving back to Alaska and they had room for one more if I was interested in driving back up with them. I found myself in Fairbanks in late May.
I contacted my old friend Robb (we went to high school together our freshman year, and had dated for a while) to say "Hi." He wanted to take me to church. I had been looking for God in all the wrong places, so I finally agreed to go. In late June of 2002, I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and was baptized at a young adult retreat in Delta Junction, Alaska. As for the rest of the story, it can be found on the other Joshua's, Elizabeth's,or Jonathan's.